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Location: Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

*Just Me*

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Post n My Comment

Ass Girlz...
Well acually Flo just want to say, YARSI is a bored place without you all!
Mungkin Flo cuma bisa posting di hari sabtu n minggu,.
Untuk Bub, Yeah... love is such a crazy thing, all you can think is just about him! and when you didn't see him, you'll try 2 find out what's goin on with him, right? Cause I've got feel it 2!!!
Girlz.... it's so hard 2 me, cause I have to study in my University from 07:00 am to 18:00 pm and from Monday to Saturday!!! I don't have enough time to rest and study in my home! I'm feel so tired and sad! and in my University, if my IP(Indeks Prestasi) in my first year is less than 1,75, they will DO me!!! it's hard 2 me! please pray 4 my Success.
And Girlz, I'm sorry, Actually I hidden something from you all,.
I;ve fallin in love, maybe it's not love, but just like.
he hansome, nice, like 2 praying, patient, etc... so Bub,. we've got a same experience right?
anyway Lea how's you doing? We'll always support u!
I mizz u all


Blogger Kitty's Lady said...

Wah, sama, say...
Kalo di ITB malah taun pertama IP ga bole di bawah 2,00 & ga bole ada nilai D ma E (huuuh,, parah banget siy)...

Trus khusus plajaran kalkulus ga bole ga masuk (absen) dg alesan apapun (walopun sakit) kalo pas kuis, UTS, UAS,,, dan tu dosen ga bakal ngasi ujian susulan kl nilainya jelek ato pas ga masuk (walopun sakit separah apapun)


8:01 AM  

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